Abductive Learning

Connecting Machine Learning and Logical Reasoning

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Wang-Zhou Dai$^\dagger$

Joint work with Zhi-Hua Zhou$^*$, Stephen Muggleton$^\dagger$, Yang Yu$^*$, Qiu-Ling Xu$^*$ Yu-Xuan Huang$^*$ and Le-Wen Cai$^*$.

$^\dagger$Department of Computing, Imperial College London
$^*$Department of Computer Science, Nanjing University

Nov 27th, 2020


Data-Driven AI

Adding data to improve the model:

A Modern Rephrase of Curve Fitting

Supervised Learning

\begin{equation} \hat{h}=\text{arg}\min_{f\in\mathcal{F}} \mathbb{E}_{x\sim\mathcal{D}} \text{Loss}(f(\mathbf{x}),y(x)) \end{equation}

Heavy Learning / Light Reasoning

Data (alone) could be never enough…

Human: How many eyes does a giraffe have?
GPT-3: A giraffe has two eyes.

Human: How many eyes does my foot have?
GPT-3: Your foot has two eyes.

Human: How many eyes does a spider have?
GPT-3: A spider has eight eyes.

Human: How many eyes does the sun have?
GPT-3: The sun has one eye.

Human: How many eyes does a blade of grass have?
GPT-3: A blade of grass has one eye.

Knowledge-Driven AI

e.g., Logic Programs:

  1. Use logic clauses to represent knowledge;
  2. Use logical inference to manipulate it;
  3. A declarative programming language with theoretical guarantee.

Knowledge-Driven AI

Adding knowledge to speed-up problem solving and learning:

  • Theorem provers
  • Rule-based expert systems
  • Intelligent forms of search (semantic web, knowledge graph, etc.)
  • Constraint-based approaches (SAT, CLP, SMT, etc.)
  • Program synthesis / Inductive Logic Programming

Example: Learning Quick Sort

Examples: Background Knowledge (Primitive Predicates): Leanred Hypothesis:

Popper (Cropper & Morel, 2020)

Heavy Reasoning / Light Learning

Cannot solve problems like this…

Combining The Two Systems

Yoshua Bengio: From System 1 Deep Learning to System 2 Deep Learning.

(NeurIPS’2019 Keynote)

Recently: Neuro-Symbolic Learning

  • Neural Module Networks (Andreas, et al., 2016)
  • Logic Tensor Network (Serafini and Garcez, 2016)
  • Neural Theorem Prover (Rocktäschel and Riedel, 2017)
  • Differential ILP (Evans and Grefenstette, 2018)
  • DeepProblog (Manhaeve et al., 2018)
  • Symbol extraction via RL (Penkov and Ramamoorthy, 2019)
  • Predicate Network (Shanahan et al., 2019)

Neural Theorem Prover (Rocktäschel and Riedel, 2017)

Heavy Learning / Light Reasoning

Difficult to extrapolate:

(Trask et al., 2018)

How About Pure Symbolic Knowledge?

Representation Statistical / Neural Symbolic
Examples Many Few
Data Tables Programs / Logic programs
Hypotheses Propositional/functions First/higher-order relations
Explainability Difficult Possible
Knowledge transfer Difficult Easy

Abductive Reasoning:
A Human Example

The “head variants”

Mayan Calendar

Cracking the glyphs: They Must Be Consistent!


  • ( the 275480 day from origin
  • (1 Ahau): the 40th day of that year
  • (13 Mac): in the 13 month of that year

Abductive Reasoning

Starts from incomplete observations, proceeds to the likeliest possible explanation for the set.

The Abductive Learning Framework

The Framework

Training examples: $⟨ x,y⟩ $.

  1. Machine learning (e.g., neural net): \[ z=f(x;\theta)=\text{Sigmoid}(P_\theta(z|x))\]
    • Learns a perception model mapping raw data (\(x\)) ⟶ logic facts (z);
  2. Logical Reasoning (e.g., logic program): \[B\cup z\models y\]
    • Deduction: infers the final output (\(y\)) based on \(z\) and background knowledge (\(B\));
    • Abduction: infers pseudo label (revised facts) $z'$ to improve perception model $f(x;\theta)$;
    • Induction: learns (first-order) logical theory \(H\) such that \(B\cup \color{#CC9393}{H}\cup z\models y\);
  3. Optimisation:
    • Maximises the consistency of \(H\cup z\) and \(f\) w.r.t. \(\langle x, y\rangle\) and \(B\).

Supervised Learning

Abductive Learning (ABL)

Zhi-Hua Zhou. Abductive learning: Towards bridging machine learning and logical reasoning. In: Science China Information Sciences, 2019, 62: 076101.

A Flexible Framework

ABL is a framework where machine learning and logical reasoning can be entangled and mutually beneficial.

  1. Machine Learning: Utilising labelled data / pre-trained model;
  2. Optimisation: Measuring consistency in different ways;
  3. Logical Reasoning: Refining incomplete background knowledge / learning logical rules;

Abduction By
Heuristic Search

Handwritten Equation Decipherment

Task: Image sequence only with label of equation’s correctness

  • Untrained image classifier (CNN) \(f:\mathbb{R}^d\mapsto\{0,1,+,=\}\)
  • Unknown rules: e.g. 1+1=10, 1+0=1,…(add); 1+1=0, 0+1=1,…(xor).
  • Learn perception and reasoning jointly.

Background knowledge 1

Equation structure (DCG grammars):

  • All equations are X+Y=Z;
  • Digits are lists of 0 and 1.

Background knowledge 2

Binary operation:

  • Calculated bit-by-bit, from the last to the first;
    • Allow carries.


Optimise consistency by Heuristic Search

\begin{align} \max\limits_{\color{#CC9393}{\delta}}\quad&\sum_{(x,y)}\text{Con}({\color{#CC9393}{z'}}\cup H, B, y),\\ s.t.\quad& H\cup z'=\text{abduce}(B,z,{\color{#CC9393}{\delta}(z)}), \text{where }z=f(x;\theta_t),\\ &\text{Hamming}(z,z')\leq M \end{align}
  • Heuristic function for guessing the wrongly perceived symbols: \[\text{symbols to be revised}=\delta(z)\]
  • Abduce revised assignments of \(\delta(z)\) that guarantee consistency: \[ B\cup H\cup \underbrace{\overbrace{z\backslash\delta(z)}^{\text{unchange}} \cup \overbrace{{\color{#CC9393}{r_\delta}}(z)}^{\text{revise}}}_{\text{pseudo-labels }z'} \models y \]


  • Data: length 5-26 equations, each length 300 instances
    • DBA: MNIST equations;
    • RBA: Omniglot equations;
    • Binary addition and exclusive-or.
  • Compared methods:
    • ABL-all: Our approach with all training data
    • ABL-short: Our approach with only length 7-10 equations;
    • DNC: Memory-based DNN;
    • Transformer: Attention-based DNN;
    • BiLSTM: Seq-2-seq baseline;

Training Log

%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LENGTH:  7  to  8 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
This is the CNN's current label:
[[1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 3], [1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 3], [2, 0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2], [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2], [1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 3, 0], [1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1], [1, 3, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 3, 3]]
****Consistent instance:
consistent examples: [6, 8, 9]
mapping: {0: '+', 1: 0, 2: '=', 3: 1}
Current model's output:
00+1+00 01+0+00 0+00+011
Abduced labels:
00+1=00 01+0=00 0+00=011
Consistent percentage: 0.3
****Learned Rules:
rules:  ['my_op([0],[0],[0,1])', 'my_op([1],[0],[0])', 'my_op([0],[1],[0])']

Train pool size is : 22
This is the CNN's current label:
[[1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3], [1, 3, 0, 3, 2, 1, 3], [1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3], [1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 3], [1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3], [1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 3], [1, 0, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3], [1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3], [3, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1]]
****Consistent instance:
consistent examples: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
mapping: {0: '+', 1: 0, 2: '=', 3: 1}
Current model's output:
00+0=011 01+1=01 0+00=011 00+0=011 0+00=011 00+0=011 0+01=00 00+0=011 00+0=011 1+00=00
Abduced labels:
00+0=011 01+1=01 0+00=011 00+0=011 0+00=011 00+0=011 0+01=00 00+0=011 00+0=011 1+00=00
Consistent percentage: 1.0
****Learned feature:
Rules:  ['my_op([1],[0],[0])', 'my_op([0],[1],[0])', 'my_op([1],[1],[1])', 'my_op([0],[0],[0,1])']

Train pool size is : 77


Test Acc. vs Eq. length

Abductive Learning

Theft Judicial Sentencing

Task: predict punishment from court record (text).

  • 687 court records in Guizhou, China;
    • Sentence-level tagging by experts;
  • Domain Knowledge: Laws;
  • Target: Using knowledge and unlabelled data to reduce the labelling cost.

Model Overview

  • Each document (court record of theft) is associated with the amount of stolen money, which is used for calculating the benchmark punishment;
  • BERT is used to extract the sentencing elements;
  • Regression model predicts the final sentence according to the benchmark and extracted elements.

Abduction by Regression

\begin{align} \min\limits_{\delta, \eta} \quad& {\color{#CC9393}{MSE}}(y, g(z';\eta))\\ s.t.\quad & z'= \text{abduce}(B,z,\delta(z)), \text{where }z=f(x;\theta)\\ & \text{Hamming}(z, z')\leq M. \end{align}


  • Supervised:
    • BERT (Devlin et al., 2018);
    • ABL;
  • Semi-supervised
    • Pseudo-labeling (Lee, 2013);
    • Tri-training (Zhou and Li, 2005);
    • SS-ABL;


Element extraction

Method F1
BERT-10 0.811±0.010
PL-10 0.814±0.006
Tri-10 0.812±0.016
ABL-10 0.824±0.014
SS-ABL-10 0.862±0.005
BERT-50 0.857±0.006
PL-50 0.858±0.010
Tri-50 0.861±0.007
ABL-50 0.860±0.003
SS-ABL-50 0.865±0.007
BERT-100 0.863±0.003
ABL-100 0.867±0.008

Punishment estimation

Method MAE MSE
BERT-10 0.8668±0.0320 1.2044±0.1233
PL-10 0.8616±0.0346 1.1548±0.1073
Tri-10 0.8402±0.0659 1.1548±0.1073
ABL-10 0.8728±0.1016 1.3756±0.2168
SS-ABL-10 0.8239±0.0174 1.1459±0.0487
BERT-50 0.8300±0.0198 1.0654±0.0443
PL-50 0.8316±0.0346 1.0448±0.1543
Tri-50 0.8102±0.0213 0.9944±0.0461
ABL-50 0.8416±0.0294 1.0821±0.1097
SS-ABL-50 0.7876±0.0272 0.9591±0.0910
BERT-100 0.8213±0.0141 1.0114±0.0312
ABL-100 0.8223±0.0302 1.0065±0.0931

Abductive Knowledge Induction

Example: Accumulative Sum

A task from Neural arithmetic logic units (Trask et al., NeurIPS 2018).

  • Examples: Sequences of handwritten digit images (\(x\)) with their sums (\(y\));
  • Task:
    • Perception: An image recognition model \(f: \text{Image}\mapsto \{0,1,\ldots,9\}\); \[z=f(x)=f([img_1, img_2, img_3])=[7,3,5]\]
    • Reasoning: A program to calculate the output \(y\).

:- Z = [7,3,5], Y = 15, prog(Z, Y).
% true.

A Probabilistic Model

\[ \underset{\theta}{\operatorname{arg max}}\sum_z \sum_H P(y,z,H|B,x,\theta) \]

  • \(\theta\): parameter of machine learning model;
  • \(z\): unknown pseudo-labels;
  • \(H\): missing logic rules.

EM-based Learning

  1. Expectation: Estimate the expectation of the symbolic hidden variables; \[\hat{H}\cup\hat{z}=\mathbb{E}_{(H,z)\sim P(H,z|B,x,y,\theta)} [H\cup z]\]
    • Calculate the expectation by sampling: \(P(H,z|B,x,y,\theta)\propto P(y,H,z|B,x,\theta)\) \[P(y,H,z|B,x,\theta)=\underbrace{P(y|B,H,z)}_{\text{logical abduction}} \cdot \overbrace{P_{\sigma^*}(H|B)}^{\text{Prior of program}} \cdot \underbrace{P(z|x,\theta)}_{\text{Prob. of Poss. Wrld.}}\]
  2. Maximisation: Optimise the neural parameters to maximise the likelihood. \[\hat{\theta}=\underset{\theta}{\operatorname{arg max}}P(Z=\hat{z}|x,\theta)\]

Example: Abduction-Induction Learning

  • #= is a CLP(Z) predicate for representing arithmetic constraints:
    • e.g., X+Y#=3, [X,Y] ins 0..9 will output X=0, Y=3; X=1, Y=2; ...


  • Tasks: MNIST calculations
    1. Accumulative sum/product;
    2. Bogosort (permutation sort);
  • Compared methods and domain knowledge:
Domain Knowledge End-to-end Models \(Meta_{Abd}\)
Recurrence LSTM & RNN Prolog’s list operations
Arithmetic functions NAC & NALU (Trask et al., 2018) Predicates add, mult and eq
Permutation Permutation matrix \(P_{sort}\) (Grover et al., 2019) Prolog’s permutation
Sorting sort operator (Grover et al., 2019) Predicate s (learned as sub-task)

Accumulative Sum/Product

Learned Programs:

%% Accumulative Sum
f(A,B):-add(A,C), f(C,B).

%% Accumulative Product
f(A,B):-mult(A,C), f(C,B).


Learned Programs:

% Sub-task: Sorted

%% Bogosort by reusing s/1
  • The subtask sorted/1 uses the subset of sorted MNIST sequences in training data as example.

Program Induction: Abductive vs Non-Abductive

  • \(z\rightarrow H\): Sample \(z\) according to \(P_\theta(z|x)\) and then call conventional MIL to learn a consistent \(H\);
  • \(H\rightarrow z\): Combining abduction with induction using \(Meta_{abd}\).




  • Full-featured logic programs:
    • Exploits symbolic domain knowledge
    • Learns recursive programs and invents predicates
    • Better extrapolation
  • Requires much less training data
  • Flexible framework with switchable parts:

Future work

  • Improving the optimisation efficiency;
  • New symbol discovery instead of defining every primitive symbols before training;
  • More applications on real data;

